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Historical Radio Society

of Australia

Melbourne Auction – Saturday February 2025

Please note you must be a member of the society to participate in the actions.

This auction is being held at: Southern Community Centre, 27 Rupert Drive, Mulgrave. 

Auction commences after meeting and talk.

Meeting commences 1.00pm

We must be clear of the hall by 5.00pm, so your co-operation is appreciated.

We encourage the use of our EFTPOS facilities.

Use the columns to sort the table, for example by article title, or use the search to find a manufacturer, author, etc..

Page advance is located at the botton right of the table.

Lot NoMake, Model (or year) and DescriptionCond'nElectrical
1Radiolette 1934 C136 empire state chassisGU
2DC amp meter 25 ampsGU
3Astor mickey ECFCNW
4play master pre ampGCU
5AWA Egg CrateGU
6AWA 500 M mantel radioGNW
7HMV plastic mantle radioPW
8Perter Pan Snail radioVGU
10Ferrotune Mantle radioFCU
11Mickey OZ chassis completeFCU
12Timer mantel Victor radioPNW
13Stereo Valve ampGU
14two valve tuner kit setVGU
15HMV transistor radioVGU
16AWA Plastic mantel radioPU
17Two transistor radiosGU
1835 MM slide projectorFCU
19Tasma 1001 mantle radioGU
20AWA transistor radioFCU
21AWA 515M chassisGCU
22AWA B15 mantel radioGCW
23Timber mantle radio unknownPCNW
24AWA transportable car radioGU
25one valve amp for record playerGU
26Tecnico chassis 1001GU
27Astor mantel radio Mod NS with RF stageGW
28HMV MOD 61-51 chassisGU
29Variac 240V 5 ampFCU
30Yamaha AV receiverGCU
31Akai stereo GXC709D cassette unitGCU
32Sansui stereo Amp AU505GU
33Realistic TR801 8 track stereo unitGU
34JVC 4 channel cartridge playerGU
35RealisticTR882 8 track DekGU
36Technics Tuner amp.GU
37HMV radiogram solid stateGU
38AWA belt drive turntableFCU
39Stereo synthesizerFCU
40Sanyo Music centre batt/ACGCU
41Sonic EqualiserGU
42Lark transistor in boxGU
43Transistor radio chassisGU
44Pioneer direct drive Pl300 T/tablePCU
45Sony Direct drive T/TableGW
46Box 24x 8 track cartridgesGU
47Sony 255 Tape deckGU
4812 inch perm mag speakerFCU
49Car radio speakerGU
50Two dial glassesGNA
51Akai Tape Deck GXC310DGU
52Morse KeyGW
531920s 3 valve TRF receiverGU
54Small STC bakelite mantle radio model 141VGW
55Astor Mickey mantel bakelite radio Mod KMVGW
56Airzone white bakelit cabinet neeeds repaireFCNW
57AWA big brother crack in brown bakelite caseFCU
58Air Zone MidgetVGCW
59Air Zone Mystery radio restored Nice bakelite cabinetGCW
60Healing mod 300E Marble bakelite radioGCW
61Healing Scales radio in very good conditionVGCW
62Mullard meteor mantel radio some cabinet damage.FCW
63STC Timber Model 150GW
64AWA Timber 81W Missing one knob, Speaker rattling, chassis looseGW
065Stromberg Carlson 5A26 BakeliteGNW
066Philips Timber 3052?? No KnobsFW
067Philips 3362A needs restringGW
068ASTOR JK Needs restringGW
069HMV 42-71 BakeliteFW
0701937 Classic console. 5 valve superhet. Valve types 80, 42, 6C6, 6A7 and 6D6.VGW
071Kolster-Brandes MR10? UK FM/MW/LWFW
072ASTOR M5D no battery cover under, one support brokenFW
074AGE Timber 548MB missing 1 knob and speakerGNW
075STC 558 TimberGW
076Kriesler 11-81GW
077PHILIPS B4S51A Timber FM/SW/MV Bluetooth missing one key from switchesGW
078Philips 172 One knob missing dial broken no badgeFNW
079LW/MW/SWPYE UK Timber P53 No knobsFNW
081DENON D-M03 Personal Component System UTR-M03 and UCDA-M03GNW
082ASTOR GN Missing badge, valves BC + 3 SWGNW
083Healing 412E Dial knob broken, missing vol knobFNW
084Healing M602T 6 Transistor Missing All Transistor badgeFW
0851930s set of 25 cards - photos and description showing how to make a 1920s two valve radioENA
86STC Model 501 1938 CompleteVGU
087AWA Wooden 1941 Model R701 completeFU
088AWA Radiolette Console 1934 Model 47 RestoredGW
089AWA Radiolette Chassis (2) unrestored & partsFU
090AWA Radiolette R27 chassis c/w valves and knobsGU
091Kriesler Beehive paint splatteredGU
092Astor HNQ painted but good blue case. CompleteGU
093Healing 300E Missing dial and speakerGU

094Astor Mickey KL 1946 completeGU

095Healing 400J 1955 missing knobGU
096AWA 518M Maroon Bakelite completeGU
097Stromberg Carlson '35 Mod 55B incompleteGU

098Philips Bakelite Mod 100 missing knobs PaintedVGU
099Astor KK '49 chassis only completeGU
100Airmaster incompleteGU
101Astor KM '47 painted completeFU
102Philips '50s Cream bakelite completeFU
103Stromberg C Mod 5A27 chassis completeFU
104Technico Mod 940 1949 case broken completishPU
105Healing case only cracked but repairableFU
106CLASSIC TM5? Timber. Not original SpeakerGW


All items offered for sale or auction are described by the seller and are without warranty whether implied or not. By purchasing lots offered at a HRSA Auction or Sale you agree to abide by these conditions. Your acceptance of these conditions absolves the Historical Radio Society of Australia Inc., its members and commitee from any liability express or implied.

Condition descriptions are provided by the Sellers.

E – Excellent; VG – Very Good; G – Good; F – Fair; P – Poor;

NOS – New Old Stock; NIB – New in Box; DO – Display Only; W – Working; Not Working; Untested; NA – Not Applicable

HRSA Copyright 2021-2025
Incorporated in Victoria A0022838K