Historical Radio Society
of Australia Melbourne
Melbourne holds a meeting at least 10 times a year on the third Saturday of the month. There is generally no meeting in December. A BBQ is held in the Dandenong Ranges in December or January. Look at the calendar under the events tab to see what is coming up.
We hold at least 3 Auctions a year, as well as 2-3 Market days where you can sell and buy various radio related items. Look at Melbourne auctions under the Auctions tab.
Our monthly meetings have a guest speaker. This is followed by a mini auction. Afternoon tea is generally served. Our meeting place is The Southern Community Centre, 27 Rupert Drive, Mulgrave.
Please note you must be a member of the society to participate in the auctions.
Entry forms are downloadable from the auctions menu.
For all enquiries please contact
Michael Justin
Located at Vermont South
0488 012 299
HRSA Copyright 2021-2025
Incorporated in Victoria A0022838K