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Member Registration

Only approved members of the HRSA should register on this website for online services.

Membership still requires a manual process of submitting your membership request forms to the secretary. Details can be found at

Once you have been approved as a member, you will receive your membership information, including your Membership Number.

Your Membership Number will be your username.

When ever asked for your username, use your Membership Number. This includes when you register and sign in to the Members area of the online services.

To register, please use your Membership Number (as your username) and a password you create to sign into this website. You will also need to provide an email address that the system can use to send password reset information if you have problems accessing the system in the future. The HRSA doesn’t use the email addresses provided online to contact any members, it is purely for online services.

  • Payment Details

  • Before you can accept payments, you need to connect your Stripe Account by going to Dashboard -> Paid Member Subscriptions -> Settings -> Payments