Historical Radio Society
of AustraliaCircuit Book 11 Index
This page contains the index for Circuit Book 11.
You can use the arrows to short the table or search for specific information.
Brand | Model | Desciption | Book | Page |
Astor | 30 & 50. Series AA | The Astor Models 30 & 50. Series AA & AA-B | 11 | 68 |
Astor | 30 Series AAB | The Astor Model 30 Series AAB | 11 | 89 |
Astor | 30 | Five Tube Battery Superheterodyne Receiver Model 30 | 11 | 91 |
Astor | 30 (Type AA) & Type 50 | Service Data Model 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 (Type AA-B) | 11 | 92 |
Astor | 50 Series AA Model 30 | The Astor Models 30 & 50. Series AA & AA-B | 11 | 68 |
Astor | 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 | Service Data. Model 50 (Type AA) Model 30 (Type AA-B) | 11 | 69 |
Astor | 50 | Model 50 (Type AA) 5 Tube Battery Shortwave & Broadcast Circuit | 11 | 71 |
Astor | 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 | Service Data. Model 50 (Type AA) Model 30 (Type AA-B) | 11 | 72 |
Astor | 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 | Service Data Model 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 (Type AA-B) | 11 | 92 |
Astor | 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 | Circuit Operation Model 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 (Type AA-B) | 11 | 93 |
Astor | 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 | Image trap Adjustment Model 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 (Type AA-B) | 11 | 94 |
Astor | 55 Series DB | Astor Model 55 Series DB | 11 | 159 |
Astor | 55 Series DB | Astor AC Model 55 Chassis Type DB Circuit | 11 | 160 |
Astor | 55 Series DB | Astor Four Value Superheterodyne Iron-Clad series Model 55 | 11 | 161 |
Astor | 55 Series DB | Instructions Astor Model 55 4 Tube Superheterodyne. | 11 | 165 |
Astor | 55 Series DB | Model DB 4 Tube Super Circuit | 11 | 166 |
Astor | 55 Series DB | Main Features of The Model 55 4 Tube Superheterodyne. | 11 | 167 |
Astor | 58 Series EA | The Astor Model 58 Series EA | 11 | 222 |
Astor | 66 Series DD | The Astor Model 66 Series DD | 11 | 169 |
Astor | 66 | The Astor Model 66 Series DD | 11 | 170 |
Astor | 66 | The Astor Model 66 Series DD Ciruit | 11 | 171 |
Astor | 66S Series DDA | The Astor Model 66S Series DDA | 11 | 174 |
Astor | 66 | Astor A.C Model 66 A.V - Chassis Type DD-A Circuit | 11 | 175 |
Astor | 66 | Astor Model 66 AV 5 (Type DDA) | 11 | 176 |
Astor | 77 & 77DW Series DG & DE | The Astor Models 77 & 77DW Series DG & DE | 11 | 205 |
Astor | 77DW Series DG & DE & 77 | The Astor Models 77 & 77DW Series DG & DE | 11 | 205 |
Astor | 77 - Chassis Type DE | Astor Battery Model 77 - Chassis Type DE Circuit | 11 | 206 |
Astor | 77 | Astor Five Tube Battery-Operated Superheterodyne Model 77 | 11 | 207 |
Astor | 77 | Parts Location Diagram Model 77 | 11 | 213 |
Astor | 77 - Chassis Type DG | Astor Five Tube Battery O Dual Wave Model 77 - Chassis Type DG | 11 | 214 |
Astor | 77 - Chassis Type DG | Astor Five Tube Battery O Dual Wave Model 77 - Chassis Type DG | 11 | 215 |
Astor | 77 | Astor Five Tube Battery Dual Wave Model 77 - Chassis Type DG | 11 | 216 |
Astor | 77 Series EH | The Astor Model 77 Series EH Advertisement | 11 | 241 |
Astor | 80 Series H | The Astor Model 80, Series H | 11 | 81 |
Astor | 80 | First Astor 1935 Release Model 80 | 11 | 82 |
Astor | 80 | Trap Coils Method for Testing Above Coils Model 80 | 11 | 83 |
Astor | 80 | 456 KC Intermediate Frequency Trap Coil Model 80 | 11 | 84 |
Astor | 88 99 - Chassis Type DC | Astor A.C/DC Models 88, 99 - Chassis Type DC Circuit | 11 | 235 |
Astor | 99 88 - Chassis Type DC | Astor A.C/DC Models 88, 99 - Chassis Type DC Circuit | 11 | 235 |
Astor | 99 (Type DC) | 5 Valve AC-DC Universal Model 99 (Type DC) | 11 | 236 |
Astor | 110 & 170 | Model 110 & 170 Advertisement | 11 | 76 |
Astor | 110 | Astor Releases New High Quality Receiver Model 110 | 11 | 80 |
Astor | 110 | Astor Music Models 110 | 11 | 107 |
Astor | 110 Series AC | Astor Music Models 110 Series AC | 11 | 108 |
Astor | 110 (Type AC) | Astor Model 110 Receiver Type AC With Expanding Selector | 11 | 110 |
Astor | 110 (Type AC) | Model 110 Type AC (AC-106) Page 1 | 11 | 115 |
Astor | 170 & 110 | Model 110 & 170 Advertisement | 11 | 76 |
Astor | 170 Series AB | The Astor Model 170 Series AB | 11 | 97 |
Astor | 170 Type AB | Astor Model 170 (Type AB) Seven Valve Dual Wave Receiver | 11 | 99 |
Astor | 170 | Finding Correct Oscillator Trimmer Adjustment Model 170 | 11 | 105 |
Astor | 170 | Astor Model 170 (Type AB) Seven Valve Dual Wave Receiver | 11 | 106 |
Astor | 170 | The Astor Model 170 190 Series AB Model AB | 11 | 189 |
Astor | 170 | Operating Instructions Astor Model 170 Type AB | 11 | 190 |
Astor | 170 Type AB | Astor Model 170 (Type AB) | 11 | 196 |
Astor | 220 Type DA | The Astor Model 220 Series DA | 11 | 120 |
Astor | 220 Type DA | Astor Model 220 Automobile Receiver Model - DA Circuit | 11 | 121 |
Astor | 220 Type DA | Astor Model 220 Automobile Receiver Parts Location Diagram | 11 | 122 |
Astor | 220 Type DA | Astor Automobile Radio Model 220 Chassis Type DA | 11 | 123 |
Astor | 220 Type DA | The Astor Model 220 Series DA | 11 | 133 |
Astor | 6376 EE | Astor 6V Automobile Receiver Circuit | 11 | 134 |
Astor | 6376F FB FD | Astor 12V Automobile Receiver Parts Location | 11 | 135 |
Astor | 6376S ED | Astor 6V Automobile Receiver Parts Location | 11 | 135 |
Astor | A | The Astor Model A | 11 | 31 |
Astor | A | Circuits Constants Model A | 11 | 32 |
Astor | A | Model A 6 Tube Battery Super with AVC Circuit | 11 | 33 |
Astor | A | Table of Voltages Model A | 11 | 34 |
Astor | AA | Circuit Constants. Model AA | 11 | 73 |
Astor | AA | Model AA 5 Tube Battery Super 5W-BC Coil Data | 11 | 74 |
Astor | AA 30 & 50 | The Astor Models 30 & 50. Series AA & AA-B | 11 | 68 |
Astor | AA-B | Model AA-B 5 Tube Battery Super With AVC Circuit | 11 | 90 |
Astor | AA Type 50 & AAB Type 30 | Service Data Model 50 (Type AA) & Type 30 (Type AA-B) | 11 | 92 |
Astor | AAB Model 30 | The Astor Model 30 Series AAB | 11 | 89 |
Astor | AB | Model AB Circuit | 11 | 98 |
Astor | AB | Astor Chassis Layout 1936 Model AB | 11 | 192 |
Astor | AB | Circuit 1936 Model AB Circuit | 11 | 193 |
Astor | AB | Component Parts List 1936 Model AB - Glass Valves | 11 | 194 |
Astor | AB | Component Parts List 1936 Model AB - Glass Valves | 11 | 195 |
Astor | AB Model 170 | The Astor Model 170 Series AB | 11 | 97 |
Astor | AC | Model AC 5 Tube Superhet Circuit | 11 | 109 |
Astor | AC Model 110 | Astor Music Models 110 Series AC | 11 | 108 |
Astor | AF & PF | The Pinnacle Models AF & PF | 11 | 95 |
Astor | BC | Model BC 5 Tube Dual Wave Receiver Circuit | 11 | 118 |
Astor | BC | Model BC Measurements | 11 | 119 |
Astor | BC & BG | The Pinnacle Models BC & BG | 11 | 117 |
Astor | BD | Astor Mickey Mouse And "Oversea-er" Model BD | 11 | 141 |
Astor | BD | Oversea-er' Model BD - Short Wave Converter Circuit | 11 | 149 |
Astor | BD | Model BD No 1 Aerial Coil | 11 | 150 |
Astor | BD | Astor “Oversea-er” Model BD Short-Wave Converters | 11 | 151 |
Astor | BD | Astor “Oversea-er” Model BD Short-Wave Converter Circuit Sketch | 11 | 158 |
Astor | BD and BE | The Astor Model BE Short - Wave Converter and Model BD Oversea-er | 11 | 139 |
Astor | BE | Astor Mickey Mouse-Chassis Type BE Circuit | 11 | 140 |
Astor | BE | Mickey Mouse Model BE Circuit | 11 | 146 |
Astor | BE | Model BE Coils | 11 | 147 |
Astor | BE | I.F Transformers Nos 1 & 2 Model BE | 11 | 148 |
Astor | BE | Model BE Coils | 11 | 168 |
Astor | BE and BD | The Astor Model BE Short - Wave Converter and Model BD Oversea-er | 11 | 139 |
Astor | BG & BC | The Pinnacle Models BC & BG | 11 | 117 |
Astor | C | Service Instructions. Model C | 11 | 41 |
Astor | C | Model C 5 Tube Superhet Circuit | 11 | 42 |
Astor | C | Component Parts - Model C | 11 | 43 |
Astor | C “Kismet” | The Astor Model C “Kismet” | 11 | 40 |
Astor | CA | The Astor Model CA | 11 | 49 |
Astor | CA | Model CA 6 Tube Battery Super with AVC Circuit | 11 | 50 |
Astor | CA | Clearer Tone Model CA Advertisement | 11 | 51 |
Astor | Caliph | New Astor Caliph Five Valve Superheterodyne Advertisement | 11 | 29 |
Astor | D | 5 Tube AC Model D Set Circuit | 11 | 45 |
Astor | D “Pinnacle” | The Astor Model D “Pinnacle” | 11 | 44 |
Astor | DA | Model DA Coil Box - L107 | 11 | 131 |
Astor | DA | I.F.T Coils Model DA | 11 | 132 |
Astor | DA & Model 220 | The Astor Model 220 Series DA | 11 | 120 |
Astor | DB Model 55 | Astor Model 55 Series DB | 11 | 159 |
Astor | DC | The Astor Stories Model DC | 11 | 234 |
Astor | DC 88, 99 | Astor A.C/DC Models 88, 99 - Chassis Type DC Circuit | 11 | 235 |
Astor | DC and FE | Supplement to Bulletins 35 and 44. Chassis Types: DC and FE | 11 | 240 |
Astor | DD Model 66 | The Astor Model 66 Series DD | 11 | 169 |
Astor | DD Model 66 | Modified Model DD Circuit | 11 | 172 |
Astor | DD Model 66 | Parts List, Model DD | 11 | 173 |
Astor | DDA | Model DD-A Circuit | 11 | 183 |
Astor | DDA | Iron Cored Dual Wave Receiver Measurements Table 1 Model DDA | 11 | 184 |
Astor | DDA | Overload & AVC Characteristics Model DDA | 11 | 186 |
Astor | DDA Model 66S | The Astor Model 66S Series DDA | 11 | 174 |
Astor | DE DG and EH | Re Service Bulletins 32, 33 and 40 (Models DE, DG and EH | 11 | 218 |
Astor | DE Model 77 & 77DW & DG | The Astor Models 77 & 77DW Series DG & DE | 11 | 205 |
Astor | DE, DG & EH | Re Bulletins 32, 33 and 40 (Models DE, DG & EH | 11 | 219 |
Astor | DE, DG, EH, BB, FG, FF | Specification Number 667 Model DE, DG, EH, BB, FG, FF | 11 | 220 |
Astor | DF | The Astor Series DF Model DF | 11 | 187 |
Astor | DF | Model DF Circuit | 11 | 188 |
Astor | DG | Model DG Circuit | 11 | 217 |
Astor | DG & DE Model 77DW & 77 | The Astor Models 77 & 77DW Series DG & DE | 11 | 205 |
Astor | DG DE and EH | Re Service Bulletins 32, 33 and 40 (Models DE, DG and EH) | 11 | 218 |
Astor | DH | Astor Mickey Grand - Chassis Model DH Advertisement | 11 | 228 |
Astor | DH | Astor Mickey Grand - Chassis Model DH Circuit | 11 | 229 |
Astor | DH | Astor Mickey Grand 5 Tube Superheterodyne (Model DH) | 11 | 230 |
Astor | DH | Astor Mickey Grand (Model DH - Component Parts List | 11 | 232 |
Astor | DH | Model DH Circuit | 11 | 233 |
Astor | DH | The Astor Mickey Mouse & Mickey Grand Model DH | 11 | 227 |
Astor | EA | Model EA Circuit | 11 | 223 |
Astor | EA | Astor 5 Valve Superhet with A.V.C. and Tuning Eye, Model EA | 11 | 224 |
Astor | EA Model 58 | The Astor Model 58 Series EA | 11 | 222 |
Astor | EC | The Astor Mickey Mouse Series EC Circuit | 11 | 260 |
Astor | EC | Astor Five Tube Mickey Mouse Receiver Chassis Type EC | 11 | 261 |
Astor | EC | The Famous 5-Valve Mickey Mouse Type EC | 11 | 263 |
Astor | EC | Change Notice Number E228 Type EC | 11 | 264 |
Astor | EC | Specification Type EC | 11 | 265 |
Astor | EC | After Production Change Model EC | 11 | 266 |
Astor | EC | The Monarch Model EC | 11 | 267 |
Astor | EC | The Monarch 5-Valve Metal Tube Midget AC Model EC Circuit | 11 | 268 |
Astor | EC | The Monarch Model EC Parts List and Circuit Diagrams | 11 | 269 |
Astor | ED 6376S | Astor 6 Volt Automobile Receiver Parts Location | 11 | 135 |
Astor | ED FB | Astor 12 Volt and 6 Volt Automobile Difference in Component parts list | 11 | 138 |
Astor | EE | Astor 6 Volt Automobile Receiver Component parts list | 11 | 137 |
Astor | EE 6376 | Astor 6 Volt Automobile Receiver Circuit | 11 | 134 |
Astor | EE FD | Astor 6 Volt Automobile Receiver Parts Location | 11 | 135 |
Astor | EF | The Astor “Selftuna”, Series EF | 11 | 251 |
Astor | EF | Astor "Selftuna" - Chassis Type EF Circuit | 11 | 252 |
Astor | EF | 5 Valve Astor “Selftuna” Type EF Automatic Station Selector | 11 | 253 |
Astor | EF | Astor “Selftuna” Type EF Parts List | 11 | 256 |
Astor | EF | Astor” Selftuna”, Chassis Type EF | 11 | 257 |
Astor | EF | Procedure Adopted for Assembly of Model EF Multi Pads | 11 | 258 |
Astor | EF | Procedure Adopted for Assembly of Model EF Multi Pads | 11 | 259 |
Astor | EG | Astor Mickey EG Dry Battery Farm Radio Advertisement | 11 | 270 |
Astor | EG | Astor Mickey EG Dry Battery Farm Radio Battery Eliminator Board | 11 | 271 |
Astor | EG | Astor Mickey EG Dry Battery Farm Radio Circuit Modifiaction | 11 | 272 |
Astor | EG | Astor Mickey EG Dry Battery Farm Radio Booklet | 11 | 273 |
Astor | EG | Astor Mickey EG Dry Battery Farm Radio Alignment Circuit | 11 | 279 |
Astor | EH | Model EH Circuit | 11 | 242 |
Astor | EH | Astor 5 Tube Battery Table Model Receiver Chassis Type EH | 11 | 243 |
Astor | EH | Revised Parts List For Circuit No. 2 Model EH | 11 | 248 |
Astor | EH | Specification Number 656 Model EH | 11 | 249 |
Astor | EH | Specification Number 657 Model EH | 11 | 250 |
Astor | EH DE, and DG | Re Service Bulletins 32, 33 and 40 (Models DE, DG and EH) | 11 | 218 |
Astor | EH Model 77 | The Astor Model 77 Series EH Advertisement | 11 | 241 |
Astor | F | Model F 5 Tube AC Super Circuit | 11 | 47 |
Astor | F “Pinnacle” | The Astor Model F “Pinnacle” | 11 | 46 |
Astor | FA | Automobile Radio (Six Valve) Advertisement Model FA | 11 | 58 |
Astor | FA | The Astor Mickey Mouse Auto Model FA | 11 | 59 |
Astor | FA | Service Data. Astor Mickey Mouse Auto Radio (6 Volt Series) Model FA | 11 | 60 |
Astor | FA GA | Service Data. Astor Mickey Mouse Auto Radio 6 Volt FA and 12 Volt Series Model GA | 11 | 61 |
Astor | GA FA | Service Data. Astor Mickey Mouse Auto Radio 6 Volt FA and 12 Volt Series Model GA | 11 | 61 |
Astor | FA | Astor Mickey Mouse Auto Set Model FA 6 Volt Series Circuit | 11 | 62 |
Astor | FA | Mickey Mouse Model FA 12 Volt Series Circuit | 11 | 63 |
Astor | FB ED | Astor 6V Automobile Difference in Component parts list | 11 | 138 |
Astor | FB FD 6376F | Astor 6V Automobile Receiver Parts Location | 11 | 135 |
Astor | FD | Astor 6V Automobile ReceiverPower Supply Circuit | 11 | 136 |
Astor | FD EE | Astor 6V Automobile Receiver Parts Location | 11 | 135 |
Astor | FD FB 6376F | Astor 6V Automobile Receiver Parts Location | 11 | 135 |
Astor | FE and DC | Supplement to Bulletins 35 and 44. Chassis Types: DC and FE | 11 | 240 |
Astor | G | Service Data. Model G | 11 | 53 |
Astor | G | Model G 3 Tube Battery Circuit | 11 | 54 |
Astor | G | Model G Circuit Constants | 11 | 55 |
Astor | G | Aerial Coil & Detector Coil Model G | 11 | 56 |
Astor | G | Model G Short Wave Coils Advertisement | 11 | 57 |
Astor | G “Tourist” | The Astor Model G “Tourist” | 11 | 52 |
Astor | H | Model H 5 tube Super IF-456 Circuit | 11 | 85 |
Astor | H PH & H-80 | Circuit Constants - Model H PH & H-80 | 11 | 86 |
Astor | H Model 80 | The Astor Model 80, Series H | 11 | 81 |
Astor | H PH & H-80 | Aerial Coil Model H PH & H-80 | 11 | 87 |
Astor | H PH & H-80 | 1st IF Trans Model H PH & H-80 | 11 | 88 |
Astor | H-80 & PH | Circuit Constants - Model H PH & H-80 | 11 | 86 |
Astor | Kismet | Outstanding Performance by this New Senior Kismet Advertisement | 11 | 30 |
Astor | Kismet Model C | The Astor Model C “Kismet” | 11 | 40 |
Astor | Mickey Grand MZ | The Astor Mickey Model OZ & MZ | 11 | 11 |
Astor | Mickey Mouse EC | The Astor Mickey Mouse Series EC Circuit | 11 | 260 |
Astor | Mickey Mouse EG | Astor Mickey EG Dry Battery Farm Radio Advertisement | 11 | 270 |
Astor | Mickey OZ & MZ | The Astor Mickey Model OZ & MZ | 11 | 11 |
Astor | Minny | Companion Speaker | 11 | 11 |
Astor | MZ & OZ | The Astor Mickey Model OZ & MZ | 11 | 11 |
Astor | MZ & OZ | Model OZ 5 Tube Super Coil Former Data | 11 | 75 |
Astor | Oversea-er BD and BE | The Astor Model BE Short - Wave Converter and Model BD Oversea-er | 11 | 139 |
Astor | OY | The Astor Model OY "Sultan" | 11 | 19 |
Astor | OY | Service Instructions. Model OY Page 1 | 11 | 20 |
Astor | OY | Model OY 6 Tube - Super-Het AVC - NSC Circuit | 11 | 22 |
Astor | OY | Circuit Constants Model OY | 11 | 23 |
Astor | OY | Table of Voltages Model OY | 11 | 24 |
Astor | OZ | Model OZ Advertisement January 26 1934 | 11 | 14 |
Astor | OZ & MZ | The Astor Mickey Model OZ & MZ | 11 | 11 |
Astor | OZ | Model OZ 5 Tube Midget Superheterodyne Service Instructions | 11 | 12 |
Astor | OZ | Model OZ 5 Tube Midget Superheterodyne Circuit 6 Dec 1933 | 11 | 15 |
Astor | OZ | Model OZ 5 Tube Midget Superheterodyne Circuit Modifications | 11 | 16 |
Astor | OZ | Circuit Constants of Model OZ | 11 | 17 |
Astor | OZ | Voltage Table for Model OZ Receivers | 11 | 18 |
Astor | OZ | Model OZ 5 Tube Super Coil Former Data | 11 | 75 |
Astor | PF | Model PF Circuit | 11 | 96 |
Astor | PF & AF | The Pinnacle Models AF & PF | 11 | 95 |
Astor | PH & H-80 | Circuit Constants - Model H PH & H-80 | 11 | 86 |
Astor | Pinnacale BG & BC | The Pinnacle Models BC & BG | 11 | 117 |
Astor | Pinnacle | Pinnacle Fine Radio. Models to Suit all Purses Advertidsement | 11 | 48 |
Astor | Pinnacle Model F | The Astor Model F “Pinnacle” | 11 | 46 |
Astor | Pinnacle Model D | The Astor Model D “Pinnacle” | 11 | 44 |
Astor | PZ | The Astor Model PZ Caliph | 11 | 25 |
Astor | PZ | Model PZ 5 Tube Super-Heterodyne Circuit | 11 | 26 |
Astor | PZ | Model PZ 5 Tube Superheterodyne Service Instructions | 11 | 27 |
Astor | RCA | Radio Corporation has Romantic Story May 17th 1935 | 11 | 77 |
Astor | RCA | Radio Corporation Where Astor Radio is Produced - May 17th 1935 | 11 | 78 |
Astor | RCA | Radio Corporation's Progress May 17th 1935 | 11 | 79 |
Astor | Selftuna Series EF | The Astor “Selftuna”, Series EF | 11 | 251 |
Astor | Tourist Model G | The Astor Model G “Tourist” | 11 | 52 |
Astor | UZ | The Astor Model UZ “Universal” | 11 | 35 |
Astor | UZ | Service Instructions. Model UZ | 11 | 36 |
Astor | UZ | Model UZ 5 Tube AC-DC Super Circuit | 11 | 37 |
Astor | UZ | Component Parts - Model UZ | 11 | 38 |
Astor | UZ | Voltage Table Model UZ | 11 | 39 |
Breville | 20 | Breville Model 20 5 Valve Superheterodyne 19334 Circuit | 11 | 281 |
Breville | 21 | Breville Radio Model 21 Battery Receiver Circuit | 11 | 282 |
Breville | 21 | Breville Radio Model 21 Battery Receiver Model 44 Advertisement | 11 | 417 |
Breville | 26 & 27 | Breville Radio Model 26 & 27 Circuit | 11 | 283 |
Breville | 27 & 26 | Breville Radio Model 26 & 27 Circuit | 11 | 283 |
Breville | 31 | Breville Radio Model 31 Circuit | 11 | 284 |
Breville | 32 | Breville Radio 6-7 All Wave Super Model 32 Circuit | 11 | 285 |
Breville | 37 | Breville Radio 5-6 A.C - D.C.182K.C Model 37 Circuit | 11 | 286 |
Breville | 37 | Breville Radio 5-6 A.C - D.C.175K.C Model 37 Circuit | 11 | 287 |
Breville | 38 | Breville Radio Model 38 Circuit | 11 | 288 |
Breville | 38A | Breville Radio Model 38A Circuit | 11 | 289 |
Breville | 39A | Breville Radio Model 39A Preselector 460 K.C. 4-5 Super Circuit | 11 | 290 |
Breville | 39 | Breville Radio Model 39 Preselector 460 K.C. 4-5 Super Circuit | 11 | 291 |
Breville | 41 | Breville Radio Model 41 5-6 175 K.C Super Circuit | 11 | 292 |
Breville | 41A | Breville Radio Model 41A Circuit | 11 | 293 |
Breville | 42 | Breville Radio Model 42 4-5 460 K.C Super Circuit | 11 | 294 |
Breville | 43 | Breville Radio Model 43 4-5 A.C-D.C Midget 460 K.C Circuit | 11 | 295 |
Breville | 43A | Breville Radio Model 43A 4-5 A.C-D.C Midget 460 K.C Circuit | 11 | 296 |
Breville | 44 | Breville Radio Model 44 S.W Converter Circuit | 11 | 297 |
Breville | 45 | Breville Radio Model 45 4 Valve 460 K.C Batt-Supp Circuit | 11 | 298 |
Breville | 45A | Breville Radio Model 45A 4 Valve 460 K.C Batt-Supp Circuit | 11 | 299 |
Breville | 46 | Breville Radio Model 46 Circuit | 11 | 300 |
Breville | 46 | Breville Radio Model 46A Circuit | 11 | 301 |
Breville | 46 | Breville Radio 4-5 A.C-D.C 445 K.C Model 46 Circuit | 11 | 303 |
Breville | 46A | Breville Radio Model 46A Advertisement | 11 | 406 |
Breville | 46A | Breville Radio Model 46A Advertisement | 11 | 419 |
Breville | 47 | Breville Radio Model 47 All Wave & Valve Superheterodyne Circuit | 11 | 302 |
Breville | 47A | Breville All-Wave Receiver of 1935 Model 47A Advertisement | 11 | 407 |
Breville | 47 | Breville All-Wave Model 47, 21 Advertisement | 11 | 416 |
Breville | 48 | Breville Radio Model 48 Circuit | 11 | 304 |
Breville | 54 | Breville Radio Model 54 Circuit | 11 | 305 |
Breville | 56 | Breville Radio Model 56 Circuit | 11 | 306 |
Breville | 58 | Breville Model 58 5 Valve A.C Dual-Wave Receiver Advertisement | 11 | 408 |
Breville | 59 | Breville Presents Model 59 Advertisement | 11 | 409 |
Breville | 62 | Breville Cruiser Model 62 Circuit | 11 | 307 |
Breville | 62 | Breville Radio Aligning Instructions For Model 62 Receiver | 11 | 308 |
Breville | 66 | Breville Radio Model 66 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 309 |
Breville | 66 | Aligning Instructions for Model 66 | 11 | 310 |
Breville | 67 | Breville Radio Model 67 Circuit | 11 | 311 |
Breville | 67 and 69 | Aligning Instructions for Models 67 and 69 | 11 | 312 |
Breville | 67 and 69 | Aligning Instructions for Models 67 and 69 | 11 | 314 |
Breville | 69 and 67 | Aligning Instructions for Models 67 and 69 | 11 | 312 |
Breville | 69 | Breville Radio Model 69 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 313 |
Breville | 70 | Breville Radio Model 70 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 315 |
Breville | 70 and 76 | Aligning Instructions for Models 70 and 76 | 11 | 316 |
Breville | 70 and 76 | Aligning Instructions for Models 70 and 76 | 11 | 324 |
Breville | 71 | Breville Radio Model 71 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 317 |
Breville | 71 | Aligning Instructions for Models 71 and 72 | 11 | 318 |
Breville | 71 and 72 | Aligning Instructions for Models 71 and 72 | 11 | 320 |
Breville | 72 | Breville Radio Model 72 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 319 |
Breville | 72 and 71 | Aligning Instructions for Models 71 and 72 | 11 | 320 |
Breville | 74 | Breville Radio Model 74 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 321 |
Breville | 75 | Breville Radio Model 75 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 322 |
Breville | 75 and 79 | Aligning Instructions for Models 75 and 79 | 11 | 326 |
Breville | 76 and 70 | Aligning Instructions for Models 70 and 76 | 11 | 316 |
Breville | 76 | Breville Radio Model 76 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 323 |
Breville | 79 | Breville Radio Model 79 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 325 |
Breville | 79 and 75 | Aligning Instructions for Models 75 and 79 | 11 | 326 |
Breville | 80 | Breville Radio Model 80 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 327 |
Breville | 80 | Aligning Instructions for Model 80 | 11 | 328 |
Breville | 81 | Breville Radio Model 81 Ferrodine Circuit | 11 | 329 |
Breville | 81 and 85 | Aligning Instructions for Models 81 and 85 | 11 | 330 |
Breville | 81 | Breville Radio Circuit Diagram Model 81 Circuit | 11 | 331 |
Breville | 81 and 85 | Aligning Instructions Models 81 and 85 | 11 | 332 |
Breville | 81 and 85 | Aligning Instructions Models 81 and 85 | 11 | 339 |
Breville | 82 | Breville Radio Model 82 Circuit | 11 | 333 |
Breville | 82 | Aligning Instructions for Model 82 | 11 | 334 |
Breville | 83 | Breville Radio Model 83 Circuit | 11 | 335 |
Breville | 84 | Breville Radio Model 84 Circuit | 11 | 336 |
Breville | 84 | Aligning Instructions for Model 84 | 11 | 337 |
Breville | 85 and 81 | Aligning Instructions for Models 81 and 85 | 11 | 330 |
Breville | 85 | Breville Ferrodine Model 85 AC /D.C Mantel Dual-Wave Circuit | 11 | 338 |
Breville | 89 | Breville Radio Model 89 Circuit | 11 | 340 |
Breville | 89 | Breville Precision Built Radio Model 89 Advertisement | 11 | 410 |
Breville | 92 | Breville Radio Model 92 Circuit | 11 | 341 |
Breville | 92 | Aligning Instructions for Model 92 | 11 | 342 |
Breville | 93 | Breville Radio Model 93 Circuit | 11 | 343 |
Breville | 93 | Aligning Instructions for Model 93 | 11 | 344 |
Breville | 94 | Breville Radio Circuit Diagram Model 94 Circuit | 11 | 345 |
Breville | 94 and 95 | Aligning Instructions for Models 94 and 95 | 11 | 346 |
Breville | 94 | Aligning Instructions for Models 94 and 95 | 11 | 348 |
Breville | 95 and 94 | Aligning Instructions for Models 94 and 95 | 11 | 346 |
Breville | 95 | Breville Radio Model 95 Circuit Diagram Circuit | 11 | 347 |
Breville | 96 and 97 | Aligning Instructions for Models 96 and 97 | 11 | 350 |
Breville | 97 | Breville Radio Model 97 Circuit | 11 | 349 |
Breville | 97 and 96 | Aligning Instructions for Models 96 and 97 | 11 | 350 |
Breville | 98 or 99 | Aligning Instructions Models 98 or 99 | 11 | 351 |
Breville | 99 or 98 | Aligning Instructions Models 98 or 99 | 11 | 351 |
Breville | 99 | Breville Radio Circuit Diagram Model 99 Circuit | 11 | 352 |
Breville | 99 | Breville's Big Set Tested Model 99 Advertisement | 11 | 418 |
Breville | 100 | Aligning Instructions for Model 100 | 11 | 353 |
Breville | 100 | Breville Radio Circuit Diagram Model 100 Circuit | 11 | 354 |
Breville | 101 | Aligning Instructions for Model 101 | 11 | 355 |
Breville | 101 | Breville Radio Model 101 Circuit | 11 | 356 |
Breville | 102 | Aligning Instructions for Model 102 | 11 | 357 |
Breville | 102 | Breville Radio Breville Ferrodine Model 102 Circuit | 11 | 358 |
Breville | 103 | Model 103, 104. B Batteryless Receiver Advertisement | 11 | 411 |
Breville | 103 | Batteryless (Vibrator) Model 103, 105, 113 Advertisement | 11 | 413 |
Breville | 104 | Breville Radio Model 104 Circuit Circuit | 11 | 359 |
Breville | 105 | Breville Radio Model 105 Circuit Circuit | 11 | 360 |
Breville | 106 | Breville Radio Model 106 Circuit Circuit | 11 | 361 |
Breville | 107 | Breville Radio Model 107 Circuit Circuit | 11 | 362 |
Breville | 108 | Breville Radio Model 108 Circuit Circuit | 11 | 363 |
Breville | 109 | Breville Radio Model 109 Advertisement | 11 | 412 |
Breville | 110 | Breville Radio Model 110 Circuit Circuit | 11 | 364 |
Breville | 111 | Breville Radio Model 111 Circuit Circuit | 11 | 365 |
Breville | 115 | Breville Radio Model 115 Circuit Circuit | 11 | 366 |
Breville | 115 | Breville Model 115 Brevilette Model 89P Advertisement | 11 | 420 |
Breville | 120 | Breville Radio Model 120 Circuit | 11 | 367 |
Breville | 120 | Hear This Breville Model 120 Advertisement | 11 | 414 |
Breville | 124 | Breville Radio Model 124 Circuit | 11 | 370 |
Breville | 124 | Breville Dual-wave Model 124 With Zip Automatic Tuning | 11 | 422 |
Breville | 125 | Aligning Instructions Model 125 | 11 | 368 |
Breville | 125 | Breville Radio Model 125 Circuit | 11 | 369 |
Breville | 129 | Breville Radio Model 129 Circuit | 11 | 371 |
Breville | 130 | Breville Radio Model 130 Circuit | 11 | 372 |
Breville | 131 | Breville Radio Model 131 Circuit | 11 | 373 |
Breville | 132 | Breville Radio Model 132 Circuit | 11 | 374 |
Breville | 133 | Breville Radio Model 133 Circuit | 11 | 375 |
Breville | 135 | Breville Radio Model 135 Circuit | 11 | 376 |
Breville | 136 | Breville Radio Model 136 Circuit | 11 | 377 |
Breville | 137 | Breville Radio Model 137 Circuit | 11 | 378 |
Breville | 138 | Breville Radio Model 138 Circuit | 11 | 379 |
Breville | 139 | Breville Radio Model 139 Circuit | 11 | 380 |
Breville | 140 | Breville Radio Model 140 Circuit | 11 | 381 |
Breville | 141 | Breville Radio Model 141 Circuit | 11 | 382 |
Breville | 142 | Breville Radio Model 142 Circuit | 11 | 383 |
Breville | 143 | Breville Radio Model 143 Circuit | 11 | 384 |
Breville | 149 | Breville Radio Model 149 Circuit | 11 | 385 |
Breville | 150 | Breville Radio Model 150 Circuit | 11 | 386 |
Breville | 150 | Breville Radio Model 150 Circuit | 11 | 396 |
Breville | 151 | Breville Radio Model 151 Circuit | 11 | 387 |
Breville | 151 | Instructions for the Alignment of Model 151 | 11 | 388 |
Breville | 152 | Breville Radio Model 152 Circuit | 11 | 389 |
Breville | 158S | Breville Radio Model 158S Circuit | 11 | 390 |
Breville | 158-160 | Breville Radio Model 158-160 Circuit | 11 | 391 |
Breville | 159-161 | Breville Radio Model 161-159 Circuit | 11 | 392 |
Breville | 160-158 | Breville Radio Model 158-160 Circuit | 11 | 391 |
Breville | 161-159 | Breville Radio Model 161-159 Circuit | 11 | 392 |
Breville | 166 | Breville Radio Model 166 Circuit | 11 | 394 |
Breville | 222 | Breville Radio Model 222 Circuit | 11 | 395 |
Breville | 229 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 229 Circuit | 11 | 393 |
Breville | 230 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 230 Circuit | 11 | 397 |
Breville | 238 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 238 Circuit | 11 | 398 |
Breville | 241 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 241 Circuit | 11 | 399 |
Breville | 243 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 243 Circuit | 11 | 400 |
Breville | 244 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 244 Circuit | 11 | 401 |
Breville | 266 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 266 Circuit | 11 | 402 |
Breville | 267 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 267 Circuit | 11 | 403 |
Breville | 275 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 275 Circuit | 11 | 404 |
Breville | 276 | Breville Radio Pty Ltd Model 276 Circuit | 11 | 405 |
Breville | 1934-39 | Listing of Breville Models 1934-39 | 11 | 421 |
Breville | Company | Breville Radio Registers $30, 000 Limited Company" | 11 | 280 |
Breville | Models | Breville Radio Advertisement 87 Models | 11 | 415 |
Breville | Technical | Announcing The Breville Zip Automatic Tuner Precision Built 1938 | 11 | 423 |
HRSA Copyright 2021-2025
Incorporated in Victoria A0022838K