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Historical Radio Society

of Australia

Valve bank

HRSA has 50,000 valves, all tested, many new. The valve bank offers:

  • new valves
  • tested used valves
  • a range of spare parts, such as capacitors

Asking fellow collectors, either at meetings or by putting a request on an internet news group can work if it is something not stocked by the HRSA or searching electronics suppliers online.

Members can use the yellow pages section of the HRSA Radio Waves magazine to advertise sales and wants.

See the HRSA Links page on this site for some component sources.

We also sell manuals and circuit books, and things like ferritte rods, and kits.

Contact Stan Snyders to confirm availablity and to order.

Contact the Society

Footer enquiry

Please note that this contact form is limited to 250 characters to prevent spam. Keep your message brief. A committee member will get back to you ASAP.

Learn more about the Society

HRSA Copyright 2021-2024
Incorporated in Victoria A0022838K