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Historical Radio Society

of Australia


Membership is $50 a year, plus $10 for additional members of the same household, or A$70 for overseas postage. This includes the circuit service, access to member’s only events, sales and the quarterly colour magazine Radio Waves magazine.

By pressing the above button a .docx form will download to your computer.  Look in your Downloads folder.

By pressing the above button a .pdf  form will download to your computer.

New Members and Renewing Members

Please use one of the buttons above. One of the forms will be automatically downloaded. Complete the form, and return it to the Membership Secretary.

Please include your membership number on your bank transfer reference.

Please contact the membership secretary if you are unable to do so, you are overseas, or have difficulties, or wish to manually renew.

Membership is from 1 July to 30 June each year. Unfortunately, pro-rata payments cannot be accepted.

The membership bank account for preferred payment is:


BSB:          633000
Account:  162540967
Title:          HRSA Membership

Members re-joining after their membership has lapsed

Please use the Re-join button above and ensure that your old number is completed. If you nolonger have the number please contact the membership secretary.
Please do not create a new account.

Overseas Subscribers.

Your payment by Bank Draft or other method must to be in Australian Dollars please. If you remit in your local currency, then our bank charges the HRSA nearly half the amount paid, which is already below cost, due to international postal charges.


The Society is governed by model rules set out by Government for all registered not for profit Associations and appended by the HRSA for our particular requirements. They include reasonable conduct within and outside the HRSA, including honesty.
They also state as the HRSA is a not for profit organisation. Therefore the HRSA sales or auctions of Radios and associated spares, books and the like are to further member’s collections and should not be sold for profit, on say eBay, Gumtree, or the like.
Possible exceptions are:
1. Sale after value-adding, like repairs and
2. Sale of deceased estates – especially member’s sales.
If in doubt, please contact the President or Vice-President here.

HRSA Copyright 2021-2025
Incorporated in Victoria A0022838K